Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ABCs and ASS

So, there is a really great guy in our class, who is married to a wonderful wife and they have a beautiful daughter. He is one of those people I always think of when people are talking about having "successful relationships in med school." In order to help strengthen his relationship and create more family-friendly med school events, he and a few other students decided to create a student group called "ABCs" aka "All 'Bout Couples."
 Today, ABCs sent an email inviting married students and students in committed relationships to attend their events. As we all know, I am far from both of these situations, and I'm totally okay with it. But, it was kind of like when I get emails from SNMA, which is a group for "diverse" students. Last year, I lived with two "diverse" students who are both members of SNMA. Well, in the beginning of medical school, I really wanted to join SNMA because they have fun events and I enjoy diversity. Both of my roomies laughed when I said this, because I am not "racially diverse." Personally, I think that is crap, and I felt discriminated against - mind you, I never dwelled on it and I truly don't care, but for the purpose of this blog, I'm recounting these events. Just because I'm white means I can't be diverse? I believe the simple definition of "diversity" is "difference." Well, aren't we all different? Anyway, it felt like a slap in the face. Today, I read the ABC email and it was kind of like getting slapped in the face, but in more of a Three Stooges way - I read the Subject Line, laughed because I knew it didn't apply to me, opened it up to read anyway, then felt bad because I couldn't participate lol.

My reaction was to immediately get on Facebook and message my close med school friend (MSF), who is also single.

Me: not gonna lie, everytime i get an email for All 'Bout Couples and it says its only for those in committed relationships, married, or with children.... i feel pretty discriminated against LOLOL

MSF: Agreed. We should start ASS "Always Stay Single" 

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